Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Feeling Lost

Staring At Someone Who Has Lost

Throught the act of living itself, sadness piles up here and there.

Whether in the sheets hung to dry in the sun, the single toothbrush in your bathroom or the history logs of your cellphone.

"Even now, I still love you" That's what the girl I'd been with for three years said in that e-mail.

"But I'm sure that even if we had written 1000 text messages and forth our hearts probably wouldn't have moved even 1 centimeter closer"

Over these parts few years, I've only wanted to move forward and touch that which I couldn't reach though I've never been able to tangibly define what it was.

Not knowing where those obsessive thoughts came from, I simply continued to work.

Then one day I realized that my heart was whitering, and in it there was nothing but pain.

And then, one morning when I realized that I had completely lost my earnest and acute feelings from a long ago, I knew I was at my limit and quit my job.

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